Dependencies ============ |Sugaroid’s dependencies| There are certain requirements which are necessary for the proper functioning of Sugaroid chat bot. - **wikipedia-API** - Handles Wikipedia based questions - **newsapi-python** - Provides news headlines - **chatterbot** - Gives basic logic to Sugaroid - **** - Models used for Language Processing - **pyspellchecker** - Checks spellings to give appropriate results - **spacy** - A language processor - **python-dotenv** - **nltk** - Another Language Processing platform - **chatterbot** - Used for training Sugaroid - **colorama** - Prints coloured text - **freegames** - Collection of free games - **requests** - Creates HTTP requests - **lxml** - Handles HTML and XML files - **beautifulsoup4** - Gets data from other webpages - **django-googlesearch** - A custom google search engine in Django - **googletrans** - Translates text - **** - Plays a game of Akinator with the user - **emoji** - Allows emoji printing - **pyinflect** - Adds word inflections - **currencyconverter** - Used to convert currencies .. |Sugaroid’s dependencies| image:: ./img/sugaroid.brain.deps.svg