Source code for sugaroid.core.statement

from typing import List, Generator

from chatterbot.conversation import Statement
from spacy.tokens.doc import Doc

from sugaroid.brain.postprocessor import random_response
from sugaroid.brain.preprocessors import tokenize
from sugaroid.brain.utils import LanguageProcessor

lang_processor = LanguageProcessor()

[docs]class SugaroidStatement(Statement): """ A modified chatterbot Statement with the additional parameters The Chatterbot Statement did not preserve the capabilities to hold fundamental data such as name of the adapter and emotion of the statement passed The emotion was either a <class 'Emotion'> type or NoneType The Adapter was the generic name of the adapter in string type determined by the __gtype__ variable """ def __init__(self, text: str, in_response_to=None, emotion: int = None, **kwargs): super(SugaroidStatement, self).__init__(text, in_response_to, **kwargs) self._doc = None self._simple = None self._words = None self._emotion = emotion self._text = text self.adapter = kwargs.get("adapter") self.from_chatbot = False
[docs] def set_confidence(self, confidence: float): self.confidence = confidence
[docs] def set_emotion(self, emotion: int): self.emotion = emotion
[docs] def set_adapter(self, adapter: str): self.adapter = adapter
[docs] def set_chatbot(self, is_chatbot: bool): self.from_chatbot = is_chatbot
@property def simple(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns the statement stripped and split into words :return: :rtype: """ if self._simple is None: self._simple = self._text.rstrip("?,+/.;!").lower().split() return self._simple @property def tokens(self) -> Doc: """ Alias of self.doc :return: :rtype: """ return self.doc @property def doc(self) -> Doc: """ Returns the spacy.tokens.doc.Doc of the statement :return: :rtype: """ if self._doc is None: self._doc = lang_processor.nlp(self._text) return self._doc @property def words(self) -> list: """ Returns the normalized words of the statement :return: :rtype: """ if self._words is None: self._words = tokenize(self._text) return self._words @property def lemma(self) -> Generator: """ Returns the normalized words of the statement :return: :rtype: """ return (x.lemma_ for x in self.doc) @property def pos(self) -> Generator: """ Returns the pos_ generator words of the statement :return: :rtype: """ return (x.pos_ for x in self.doc) @property def tag(self) -> Generator: """ Returns the tag_ generator words of the statement :return: :rtype: """ return (x.tag_ for x in self.doc) @property def emotion(self) -> int: """ Gives the assigned emotion of the statement :return: :rtype: """ return self._emotion @emotion.setter def emotion(self, new_emotion: int): self._emotion = new_emotion
[docs] @classmethod def from_statement(cls, statement: Statement): """ Convert chatterbot.Statement to sugaroid.core.statement.Statement :param statement: :type statement: chatterbot.Statement :return: :rtype: SugaroidStatement """ return cls(statement.text)
[docs] @classmethod def from_list_random(cls, statements: list): """ Select a random statement from a list of statements :param statements: :type statements: :return: :rtype: SugaroidStatement """ statement = random_response(statements) return cls(statement)