Source code for

import datetime

from chatterbot import ChatBot

from sugaroid.brain.constants import REPEAT
from import Emotion
from sugaroid.brain.postprocessor import random_response
from sugaroid.brain.utils import LanguageProcessor
from sugaroid.core.statement import SugaroidStatement
from sugaroid.datasets.collector import Session

[docs]class SugaroidBot(ChatBot): """ The SugaroidBot inherits the class local variables from the Chat """ def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): ChatBot.__init__(self, name=name, **kwargs) self.lp = LanguageProcessor() self.session = Session() self.start_time = self.spell_checker = False # FIXME self.discord = False self.authors = [] self.interrupt = 0 = False self.globals = { "emotion": Emotion.neutral, "history": {"total": [0], "user": [0], "types": [0]}, "reversei": { "enabled": False, "uid": None, "type": None, }, "akinator": {"enabled": False, "class": None}, "hangman": {"enabled": False, "class": None}, "trivia": {"enabled": False, "class": None}, "adapters": [], "fun": True, "update": False, "last_news": None, "USERNAME": None, "learn": False, "trivia_answer": None, "learn_last_conversation": [], "DEBUG": {}, "media": False, "rich": False, } # self.emotion = Emotion.neutral
[docs] def get_global(self, key): """ Returns a global constant :param key: :return: """ return self.globals.get(key, None)
[docs] def toggle_discord(self): """ Toggle Discord Configuration :return: """ self.discord = not self.discord
[docs] def set_emotion(self, emotion): """ Sets the emotion for the chatbot globally. (Deprecated) :param emotion: :return: """ self.globals["emotion"] = emotion
[docs] def reset_variables(self): self.globals.update( { "emotion": Emotion.neutral, "history": {"total": [0], "user": [0], "types": [0]}, "reversei": {"enabled": False, "uid": None, "type": None, "data": None}, "akinator": {"enabled": None, "class": None}, "hangman": {"enabled": False, "class": None}, "learned": [], "fun": True, "update": False, "last_news": None, "USERNAME": None, "learn": False, "trivia_answer": None, "learn_last_conversation": [], "DEBUG": {}, } ) self.authors = [] self.spell_checker = False # FIXME
[docs] def get_emotion(self) -> int: """ Returns the emotion of the chatbot at a particular time :return: The emotion of the bot """ return self.globals["emotion"]
[docs] def set_username(self) -> NotImplementedError: """ Sets the Sugaroid user username :return: None, Exception """ raise NotImplementedError( "Set username has not been implemented in this version yet." )
[docs] def get_username(self) -> str: """ The username of the bot :return: The username of sugaroid :rtype: str """ return self.get_global("username")
[docs] def generate_response( self, input_statement, additional_response_selection_parameters=None ) -> SugaroidStatement: """ Return a response based on a given input statement. :param additional_response_selection_parameters: :type additional_response_selection_parameters: :param input_statement: The input statement to be processed. :return the processed final statement :rtype SugaroidStatement """ results = [] result = None max_confidence = -1 final_adapter = None interrupt = False adapter_index = 0 for adapter in self.logic_adapters: if adapter.class_name == "InterruptAdapter": interrupt = adapter if adapter.can_process(input_statement): output = adapter.process( input_statement, additional_response_selection_parameters ) results.append(output) '{} selected "{}" as a response with a ' "confidence of {}".format( adapter.class_name, output.text, output.confidence ) ) if output.confidence > max_confidence: result = output final_adapter = adapter.class_name max_confidence = output.confidence if max_confidence >= 9: # optimize: if the confidence is greater than 9, # just break dude, why check more break elif max_confidence >= 1 and adapter_index >= 3: # optimize: if the confidence is greater than 9, # just break dude, why check more break else: "Not processing the statement using {}".format(adapter.class_name) ) adapter_index += 1 if max_confidence < 0.5: if self.discord: if interrupt and interrupt.can_process(input_statement): try: username = self.authors[-1] except IndexError: username = None output = interrupt.process(input_statement, username=username) '{} selected "{}" as a response ' "with a confidence of {}".format( interrupt.class_name, output.text, output.confidence ) ) result = output final_adapter = interrupt.class_name max_confidence = output.confidence self.gen_debug( statement=input_statement, adapter=final_adapter, confidence=max_confidence, results=result, ) class ResultOption: def __init__(self, statement, count=1): self.statement = statement self.count = count # If multiple adapters agree on the same statement, # then that statement is more likely to be the correct response if len(results) >= 3: result_options = {} for result_option in results: result_string = ( result_option.text + ":" + (result_option.in_response_to or "") ) if result_string in result_options: result_options[result_string].count += 1 if ( result_options[result_string].statement.confidence < result_option.confidence ): result_options[result_string].statement = result_option else: result_options[result_string] = ResultOption(result_option) most_common = list(result_options.values())[0] for result_option in result_options.values(): if result_option.count > most_common.count: most_common = result_option if most_common.count > 1: result = most_common.statement try: emotion = result.emotion except AttributeError: emotion = Emotion.neutral try: adapter_type = result.adapter except AttributeError: result.adapter = None adapter_type = None if adapter_type and adapter_type not in ["NewsAdapter", "LearnAdapter"]: if adapter_type in self.globals["history"]["types"]: if adapter_type == self.globals["history"]["types"][-1]: result.text = random_response(REPEAT) elif len(self.globals["history"]["types"]) > 2: if adapter_type == self.globals["history"]["types"][-2]: result.text = random_response(REPEAT) self.globals["history"]["types"].append(adapter_type) response = SugaroidStatement( text=result.text, in_response_to=input_statement.text, conversation=input_statement.conversation, persona="sugaroid:" +, chatbot=True, ) response.emotion = emotion response.confidence = result.confidence return response
[docs] def gen_debug(self, statement, adapter, confidence, results): """ Create a debug dictionary key:value pair for Debug Conversation The Google :param statement: input_statement :param adapter: Adapter __gtype__classname__ :param confidence: SugaroidStatement.confidence :param results: Sugaroid Statement.text :return: """ self.globals["DEBUG"]["number_of_conversations"] = ( self.globals["DEBUG"].get("number_of_conversations", 0) + 1 ) _id = self.globals["DEBUG"]["number_of_conversations"] val = dict() val["adapter"] = adapter val["confidence"] = confidence val["response"] = results val["request"] = str(statement) self.globals["DEBUG"][_id] = val
[docs] def get_response(self, statement=None, **kwargs): """ Return the bot's response based on the input. :param statement: An statement object or string. :returns: A response to the input. :rtype: Statement """ Statement = SugaroidStatement additional_response_selection_parameters = kwargs.pop( "additional_response_selection_parameters", {} ) persist_values_to_response = kwargs.pop("persist_values_to_response", {}) if isinstance(statement, str): kwargs["text"] = statement if isinstance(statement, dict): kwargs.update(statement) if statement is None and "text" not in kwargs: raise self.ChatBotException( 'Either a statement object or a "text" keyword ' "argument is required. Neither was provided." ) if hasattr(statement, "serialize"): kwargs.update(**statement.serialize()) tags = kwargs.pop("tags", []) text = kwargs.pop("text") input_statement = SugaroidStatement(text=text, **kwargs) input_statement.add_tags(*tags) # Preprocess the input statement for preprocessor in self.preprocessors: input_statement = preprocessor(input_statement) # Make sure the input statement has its search text saved if not input_statement.search_text: try: input_statement.search_text = input_statement.text ) except AttributeError: input_statement.search_text = ( ) if not input_statement.search_in_response_to and input_statement.in_response_to: try: input_statement.search_in_response_to = ( input_statement.in_response_to ) ) except AttributeError: input_statement.search_in_response_to = ( input_statement.in_response_to ) ) response = self.generate_response( input_statement, additional_response_selection_parameters ) # Update any response data that needs to be changed if persist_values_to_response: for response_key in persist_values_to_response: response_value = persist_values_to_response[response_key] if response_key == "tags": input_statement.add_tags(*response_value) response.add_tags(*response_value) else: setattr(input_statement, response_key, response_value) setattr(response, response_key, response_value) if not self.read_only: self.learn_response(input_statement) # Save the response generated for the input**response.serialize()) return response