Source code for sugaroid.brain.swaglyrics

import re
import requests
from swaglyrics.cli import stripper, get_lyrics
from chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter
from sugaroid.core.statement import SugaroidStatement
from import Emotion
from sugaroid.brain.preprocessors import normalize

backend_url = ""

[docs]class LyricsNotFound(Exception): """ Exception raised when the lyrics has not been found in Genius through Swaglyrics """ pass
[docs]class SwagLyricsAdapter(LogicAdapter): """ Get the lyrics for a song using Swaglyrics """ def __init__(self, chatbot, **kwargs): super().__init__(chatbot, **kwargs) self.normalized = None
[docs] def can_process(self, statement): self.normalized = str(statement).lower().strip().split() return "$by" in str(statement) and "who" not in self.normalized
[docs] def process(self, statement, additional_response_selection_parameters=None): if self.normalized is None: self.normalized = str(statement).lower().strip().split() if ( self.normalized[0] == "get" and self.normalized[1] == "lyrics" and self.normalized[2] == "for" ): self.normalized[0:3] = [] elif self.normalized[0] == "lyrics" and self.normalized[1] == "for": self.normalized[0:2] = [] elif self.normalized[0] == "lyrics": self.normalized[0:1] = [] stripped_message = " ".join(self.normalized).strip() try: song, artist = stripped_message.split("$by") except Exception as e: selected_statement = SugaroidStatement( "Usage: _Hello $by Adele_ or " "_get lyrics for The Nights $by Avicii_", chatbot=True, ) selected_statement.confidence = 1 emotion = selected_statement.emotion = emotion return selected_statement try: lyrics = get_lyrics(song, artist) if not lyrics or not lyrics.strip(): raise LyricsNotFound except LyricsNotFound: lyrics = "I couldn't find the lyrics for '{}' by '{}'.".format(song, artist) selected_statement = SugaroidStatement(lyrics, chatbot=True) selected_statement.confidence = 1 emotion = selected_statement.emotion = emotion return selected_statement