from chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter
from nltk import word_tokenize
from sugaroid.brain.constants import EMOJI_SMILE, FUN_ASK_QUESTION, FUN_LET_ME_TRY
from import Emotion
from sugaroid.brain.postprocessor import random_response, reverse
from sugaroid.brain.preprocessors import spac_token
from sugaroid.core.statement import SugaroidStatement
[docs]class FunAdapter(LogicAdapter):
Gives a random response, because Sugaroid tries not to say I don't know
def __init__(self, chatbot, **kwargs):
super().__init__(chatbot, **kwargs)
[docs] def can_process(self, statement):
if self.chatbot.globals["fun"]:
return True
return False
[docs] def process(self, statement, additional_response_selection_parameters=None):
emotion = Emotion.neutral
confidence = 0.05
parsed = str(statement)
if not parsed.strip():
# it is an empty statement
selected_statement = SugaroidStatement("😌😌😌", chatbot=True)
selected_statement.confidence = 1
selected_statement.emotion = emotion
return selected_statement
elif "not" in parsed:
# if you are not, who then is?
suffix = " either. "
prefix = ""
emotion = Emotion.wink
confidence *= 2
interrogation = False
token = spac_token(statement, chatbot=self.chatbot)
for i in token:
# checks if the statement contains any sequence of interrogative type of words
if i.tag_ == "." and i.text == "?":
interrogation = True
if str(i.tag_).startswith("W"):
interrogation = True
if interrogation:
prefix, suffix = "", ""
confidence *= 2
parsed = random_response(FUN_ASK_QUESTION).format(
" ".join(reverse(word_tokenize(str(statement))))
) # This seems complex.
# The tokenized input statement is reversed using the reverse unction
# Reverse in this sense means switching first person and second person nouns
# The returned list of tokens are then converted into a string by joining each element
# to a whitespace making a sentence, which is then converted to lower case
# for the visibility sake
prefix, suffix = random_response(FUN_LET_ME_TRY)
suffix = "' {}".format(suffix.format(random_response(EMOJI_SMILE)))
prefix = "{} '".format(prefix)
emotion = Emotion.wink
selected_statement = SugaroidStatement(
"{pre}{main}{fix}".format(pre=prefix, main=parsed, fix=suffix), chatbot=True
selected_statement.confidence = confidence
selected_statement.emotion = emotion
return selected_statement