Source code for sugaroid.brain.canmay

import nltk
from chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter

from nltk import word_tokenize
from nltk.sentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer

from sugaroid.brain.constants import CANYOU, WHAT_I_AM_GOING_TO_DO
from import Emotion
from sugaroid.brain.postprocessor import random_response
from sugaroid.brain.preprocessors import normalize
from sugaroid.core.statement import SugaroidStatement

[docs]class CanAdapter(LogicAdapter): """ Processes statements which features a Modal question (can, may) """
[docs] def can_process(self, statement): self.normalized = normalize(str(statement).lower()) text = word_tokenize(str(statement)) self.tagged = nltk.pos_tag(text) for k in self.tagged: if k[1].startswith("MD"): return True else: return False
[docs] def process(self, statement, additional_response_selection_parameters=None): # FIXME: This may printout unrelated data for phrase searches adapter = None emotion = Emotion.neutral noun = None propernoun = None verb = None adj = None third_person = None if "you" in self.normalized and ( "i" in self.normalized or "me" in self.normalized ): # Complex statement # Needs extra process aimed = 100 elif "you" in self.normalized: aimed = 75 elif "i" in self.normalized or "me" in self.normalized: aimed = 50 else: aimed = 25 if "help" in self.normalized: aimed += 2 for i in self.tagged: if i[1] == "NN": noun = i[0] if i[1].endswith("NP"): # FIXME classify it properly noun = i[0] propernoun = i[0] aimed = 25 elif i[0] == "help" and (verb is None): verb = i[0] elif i[1] == "VB": verb = i[0] elif i[1] == "VBG": verb = i[0] elif i[1] == "VBP" and not i[0] == "help": verb = i[0] elif i[1].startswith("JJ") or i[1].startswith("VBN"): adj = i[0] self.sia = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() sentiments = self.sia.polarity_scores(str(statement)) positive_statement = sentiments["pos"] >= sentiments["neg"] neutral_statement = (sentiments["pos"] + sentiments["neg"]) < sentiments["neu"] if aimed >= 100: if neutral_statement: confidence = aimed / 100 + 0.7 if "help" in self.normalized: # Randomize answer response = ( "Yes, I can say a joke to you, answer some questions," " do some mathematical sums, and talk like" " this. I can also play a game of Akinator" ) adapter = "what_can" else: if verb and (verb in ["play", "joke", "sing", "dance", "read"]): if verb == "play": from import games response = "I can play some games like {}".format( ", ".join(games) ) else: response = ( "I should be able to {}, " "but it all depends on updates which I have received".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] ) ) emotion = elif noun and (noun in ["play", "joke", "sing", "dance", "read"]): if noun == "play": from import games response = "I can play some games like {}".format( ", ".join(games) ) else: response = ( "I should be able to {}, " "but it all depends on updates which I have received".format( noun ) ) emotion = else: if verb == "die": response = "I wouild die only when you say 'Bye'" elif self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] in [ "teach", "tell", "say", "speak", "go", ]: response = ( "Sure! Just don't ask if I can {}. Just ask".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] ) ) emotion = Emotion.angel else: if self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] == "do": confidence = 0 response = ( "I think I would not be able to {}. I apologize".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] ) ) emotion = Emotion.cry_overflow elif positive_statement: if noun: if verb: response = ( "Sure, I would love to help {n} to {v}. " "Share sugaroid with {n].".format( n=noun, v=self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] ) ) emotion = Emotion.positive else: response = ( "I would be glad to help {n}, the reason I was created is to fullfil that " "The best way to help {n} is to share sugaroid to {n}".format( n=noun ) ) else: # TODO test case response = "Are you sure this is right?" emotion = Emotion.non_expressive_left confidence = aimed / 100 + 0.9 else: if noun: response = ( "Well, I would not dare to " "help you {verb} {noun}".format( verb=verb.replace("ing", ""), noun=noun ) ) emotion = Emotion.angry else: response = "I am not sure if I could {verb}".format( verb=self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] ) confidence = aimed / 100 + 0.7 elif aimed >= 75: confidence = aimed / 100 + 0.7 if "help" in self.normalized: response = ( "Yes, I can say a joke to you, answer " "some questions, do some mathematical sums, and talk like" " this" ) adapter = "what_can" else: if verb and (verb in ["play", "joke", "sing", "dance", "read"]): if verb == "play": from import games response = "I can play some games like {}".format( ", ".join(games) ) else: response = "I should be able to {}, but it all depends on updates which I have received".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] ) emotion = elif noun and (noun in ["play", "joke", "sing", "dance", "read"]): if verb == "play": from import games response = "I can play some games like {}".format( ", ".join(games) ) else: response = "I should be able to {}, but it all depends on updates which I have received".format( noun ) emotion = else: if verb == "die": response = "I would die only when you say 'Bye'" emotion = Emotion.cry else: if adj: polarity_adj = self.sia.polarity_scores(adj) if polarity_adj["neu"] == 1: # as in I will try to be 'a good bot' article_or_pronoun = "a" # some wicked users try to ask it weird # questions if "your" in self.normalized: # hey, its asking about me!! # eg: can you be yourself? article_or_pronoun = "your" response = "I will try to be {} {}".format( article_or_pronoun, adj ) emotion = Emotion.adorable elif polarity_adj["pos"] > polarity_adj["neg"]: response = random_response(CANYOU).format(adj) emotion = Emotion.angel else: response = "Am I really {}".format(adj) emotion = Emotion.non_expressive elif verb: if self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] == "do": confidence = 0 response = ( "I think I would not be able to {}. I apologize".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] ) ) else: response = "Oops. I didn't get what you just told? Try rephrasing it out" confidence = 0.2 elif aimed >= 50: if neutral_statement: if verb == "help": response = ( "Of Course, If you would like to help me, " "try writing some more code to" ) emotion = Emotion.github else: if verb: response = ( "Do you really want to {}. " "Try rethinking your decision".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] ) ) emotion = Emotion.non_expressive_left else: response = "Well, you should ask that yourself" emotion = Emotion.angry_non_expressive elif positive_statement: if verb == "help": response = ( "Of Course, If you would like to help me, " "try writing some more code to" ) emotion = Emotion.github else: response = "I guess, you would achieve your goal of {}ing".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] ) emotion = Emotion.positive else: if self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] in [ "cry", "sob", "sleep", "depress", "die", "suicide", ]: response = ( "Why do you want to {}, " "there are many better things to do in life".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] ) ) emotion = Emotion.adorable else: response = "No, probably not, you shouldn't {}".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0] ) emotion = Emotion.positive confidence = aimed / 100 + 0.9 else: if "you" not in self.normalized: confidence = (sentiments["neg"] + sentiments["pos"]) + ( (sentiments["neg"] + sentiments["pos"]) / 2 ) if sentiments["neu"] == 1: if not verb: verb = "do" noun = "that" response = "Well. I am unsure if you really need to {} {}".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0], noun ) confidence = confidence - 0.2 emotion = Emotion.cry_overflow elif sentiments["neg"] > sentiments["pos"]: response = ( "Well I think, its a bad thing to do. " "You shouldn't {} {}".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0], noun ) ) emotion = Emotion.negative else: response = "I guess its good thing which you have thought about. You should {} {}".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0], noun ) emotion = Emotion.positive else: if sentiments["neu"] > 0.8: confidence = sentiments["neu"] else: confidence = (sentiments["neg"] + sentiments["pos"]) + ( (sentiments["neg"] + sentiments["pos"]) / 2 ) if noun.lower() in WHAT_I_AM_GOING_TO_DO: response = "Lets hope for a good day." emotion = confidence = 0.3 elif sentiments["neu"] == 1: response = "I apologize. I would never be able to be {}".format( noun ) emotion = Emotion.cry_overflow elif sentiments["neg"] > sentiments["pos"]: response = ( "Well I think, its a bad thing to do. I wouldn't {} {}".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0], noun ) ) emotion = Emotion.dead else: if "like" in self.normalized: # FIXME response = ( "I guess its good thing which you have thought about. Me being a bot, " "wouldn't be able to do that. You should {} like {}".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0], noun ) ) emotion = Emotion.dead else: response = ( "I guess its good thing which you have thought about. Me being a bot, " "wouldn't be able to do that. You should probably {} {}".format( self.chatbot.lp.lemma(verb)[0], noun ) ) emotion = Emotion.neutral if verb == "be": ind = self.normalized.index("be") for j in range(ind, len(self.normalized) - 1): if self.tagged[j][1].startswith("NN"): polarity_adj = self.sia.polarity_scores(self.tagged[j][0]) if polarity_adj["pos"] + polarity_adj["neg"] < polarity_adj["neu"]: response = "I am not sure if I can ever be a '{}'".format( self.tagged[j][0] ) emotion = Emotion.cry_overflow elif polarity_adj["pos"] > polarity_adj["neg"]: response = "I am always trying to be {}".format( self.tagged[j][0] ) emotion = Emotion.wink else: response = "I would never try to be a {}".format( self.tagged[j][0] ) emotion = Emotion.cry confidence = aimed / 100 + 0.7 if confidence >= 1.4: confidence /= 2 elif confidence >= 1.0: confidence /= 1.2 selected_statement = SugaroidStatement(response, chatbot=True) selected_statement.confidence = confidence + 0.2 selected_statement.emotion = emotion selected_statement.adapter = adapter return selected_statement